7 Tips to Help You Train Through Tough Days

7 Tips to Help You Train Through Tough Days

We’ve all been there. Those hard days where you just feel like giving up. Whether it’s due to being on an intense diet and having very little energy to train, a social engagement that is calling your name, or whether that is making hitting the streets for your morning run nearly impossible. It’s those who can push through this that really go on to see optimal results.

So how do they do it? Here are seven tips that’ll help you keep going when the going gets tough.

Tip #1: Always Have a Back-Up

First things first, if external factors are preventing you from getting your workout in, such as bad weather or a schedule that’s too jam-packed to allow you to hit the gym, it’s time to fight back.

Always have a backup workout on hand for these times. If for instance, if bad weather prevents you from being able to do your cardio outdoors, a bodyweight circuit training workout that you can do at home can be effective.

If you're tight on time and only have 30 minutes, a set of dumbbells or resistance bands can be used at home to create an alternative workout.

Sure, it may not be exactly the same as hitting the gym, but doing something will always be better than doing nothing.

Tip #2: Remind Yourself of Your Reasons

Next, constantly be reminding yourself of your reasons for doing what you are. Are you training for a contest or show? Are you looking to feel better about yourself? Are you trying to ward off disease?

When you’re having a bad day and just don’t feel up to hitting the gym, remind yourself of why you work out. Sometimes all it takes is this simple reminder of what you are working toward to help get yourself back on track again.

Tip #3: Review Your Progress

Take the time out to review your progress. Note how far you’ve come already. When you’re feeling unmotivated or defeated, a quick reminder of your progress is a great way to get yourself inspired to keep up your effort.

At times it may feel like you’re hardly making any progress towards your end goal when you look at it from a day by day perspective, but looking back over a series of weeks or months can completely change your outlook.

Tip #4: Commit to 10

Here’s a sneaky trick on those days where fatigue is getting the best of you: promise that you’ll hit the gym and do just 10 minutes. Anyone can do 10 minutes, so this isn’t asking too much.

Nine times out of 10, once you are there, you’ll end up completing the entire workout. After you're done, you’ll feel a million times better having gone and done something.

Even if you do have to modify the workout and keep the intensity lower on days you’re feeling fatigued, it’s simply better than doing nothing.

Tip #5: Get Up Earlier

If time is the biggest factor because you know you have a social engagement that evening or have to pick your kids up from soccer practice, make a commitment to morning workouts.

While morning workouts can take some getting used to for those who have never done them before, they are well worth the effort. 

Plus, you’ll be able to head off to work knowing you’ve already done something good for your body.

Tip #6: Use a Quality Pre-Workout Supplement

Another great option to help combat the fatigue that keeps you out of the gym or the simple lack of motivation is a good pre-workout supplement. A quality pre-workout can help both energize your body and mind while igniting your focus to get in the gym and get the work done.

With the PRE-KAGED pre-workout formula, for instance, it can help increase your physical energy, combat fatigue during the workout and boost your endurance. You’ll also accelerate the overall level of fat burning taking place, and give yourself a mental edge.

Don’t underestimate the difference a quality pre-workout supplement can make. It’s often the best remedy for a hard day when you don’t feel like hitting the gym.

Tip #7: Daily Goals

Finally, the last quick tip that can keep you going when things get hard is to set daily goals for yourself. Most of us set long-term goals and know precisely what it is, at the end of the line, that we are working towards.

And that’s great. But, it doesn’t do much for those hard days when you need a motivational jolt right now. That’s where daily goals come into play.

Each day, set a goal for that workout session. What do you want to accomplish? Do you want to add five pounds to your bench press? Do you want to try and hit an extra rep on your squats? Maybe you want to try a new exercise that day.

Figure out something to achieve that workout session. By giving yourself a clear reason to hit the gym that day, you’ll be less likely to skip it.

So keep these tips in mind. Know that everyone experiences hard days so you certainly aren’t alone. It’s the ability to push through the hard days that will help make you a true champion.

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